Saturday, May 3, 2008

Freelancing: More on Demand Studios, $15 per article

So I briefly mentioned Demand Studios a few posts ago. I received an email from them shortly after, inviting me to write for them using their new content management system. I went in and checked it out.

They pay $15 for writing one "eHow" article. You can claim up to 10 articles at a time (or less, of you like) and you have 1 week to write them. The articles expire if you don't write them by the deadline, and then go back into the content management system queue for others to claim and write.

The writing system is simple: there is a basic form you follow, and it's 1000% better than Associated Content's submission form, and has a much better look and feel than Constant Content as well.

If you know your topic well, you can write an entire article in 15-20 minutes. The article is approved, and you receive an email informing you that it was approved and to expect PayPal payment within 7 days. I received my approval and then payment within 3 days, so I am impressed.

Like Associated Content, though, I wonder if this is just the beginning of a process that will decline in quality. When AC began, they paid a relatively steady $10-12 per article and accepted almost all submissions. Then as supply increased, they lowered their payments and began rejecting more. Now writers are lucky to be paid at all, with some experiencing 50% rejection rates and $3.01 payments.

So--get in now while Demand Studios is paying well. Go to their site at to apply.

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